Skin Brushing, Alfalfa, & CRT Cellulite System
Posted on June 25, 2018
Skin Brushing, Alfalfa, & Cellulite System —
(Notes below from Teresa Tapp, designer of the CRT Skin Tightening System)
It is being recognized as the only homeopathic system available that controls (even eliminate cellulite) and enables the skin to regain elasticity. Instead of “patching” the problem with a thigh crème or special pill like other products on the market (which only give temporary results), the CRT Skin Tightening System actually helps the body repair itself.
Initially I created the CRT System for cancer patients undergoing chemo/radiation treatments, which alter or destroy their primary body functions (especially the lymphatic system). The CRT special brushing pattern stimulated their lymph system, increased circulation, helped eliminate their edema and assisted skin detoxification. The CRT Premium Blended Alfalfa (clinically proven to aid in the battle of cancer) provided nutrients necessary for collagen production for cellular/tissue repair and helped the body eliminate fluid retention resulting from treatments. Last of all, the CRT Fibertox formula (created by a PhD biochemist friend of mine) helped the body eliminate toxins created from the medications, chemotherapy and radiation needed to battle their cancer. Well… the CRT System worked and the medical community recognized its validity. However, those using the CRT System reported additional benefits: tighter skin and less cellulite. Female patients were thrilled to discover something that not only made them feel better, but also look better!
The reason why I was involved with cancer research and studied the lymphatic system extensively is because I am genetically linked to an aggressive form of brain cancer than killed my mother at age 29. I’ve had a “grape” size lump in my right armpit since age 19 and some projected that I would not live past age 33 since I would not allow them to remove the lump! Well, I know that “lump” is my body’s way of fighting the disease! I became passionate about learning how to help my body help itself and to help others stay healthy. Prevention is so much easier than fighting disease. Every time I brush in the morning, my “lump” disappears for approximately 3 hours and if I do the Primary Back Stretch prior to brushing (a special 5 minute movement sequence I created), it doesn’t reappear until evening. The CRT System is so effective at cleansing/stimulating the lymphatic system, most women report that lumps on their breasts disappear within 4 to 6 weeks. Think about it, our bosoms are primarily composed of lymph nodes. A healthy lymphatic system is so important in maintaining a healthy body. Cellulite is just a reflection that our internal system has a breakdown. It’s not just fat! Having a healthy lymphatic system is one of the primary secrets to successfully reverse or prevent it appearance.
Alfalfa has been studied for years as being an effective anti-cancer nutrient along with anti-inflammatory properties (great for arthritis) since the 1940’s. What makes the CRT Premium Blended Alfalfa so special is it’s purity and how it is processed. It’s nutritional content is superior and it is pharmaceutical quality (not food grade). I am very lucky to be able to get it. Thanks to a friend from medical school (many moons ago) who now works for a major Japanese pharmaceutical company that buys the entire crop organically grown in California. I’m allowed 100,000 bottles per crop. No one else in America has it. Because the crop is sprayed with ionic minerals during its growing period, the nutritional content surpasses any “food grade” alfalfa available in America. I am not allowed to reveal their special processing but I can share this… you will NOT gain weight with CRT Premium Blended Alfalfa! The only ingredient within the capsules is a blend of alfalfa – no fillers. Check out any herbal manual and discover all of the benefits alfalfa has but also notice that most manuals state that alfalfa may cause increase of appetite or weight gain. Not T-Tapp’s Premium Blend – discover the difference yourself.
Alfalfa also helps the body rid itself of water retention. It’s great for those who are sensitive to retaining water from carb consumption. Fact: one gram of carbohydrate causes body to retain 3 grams of water. Protein, however, eliminates water and alfalfa is plant protein. Water retention is one of the factors involved with cellulite production. I’m a water retainer (especially with pasta, wine, or soda!), but when I know I’m going to consume a lot of carbohydrates at one meal, I just take 2 Premium Blended Alfalfacapsules. In the modeling world, a lot of the models would wake up with “puffy” eyes from too much partying/eating/drinking the night before… but after taking 2 Premium Blended Alfalfa capsules, doing Primary Back Stretch and brushing the puffiness would disappear within 20 minutes! Before me, the industry recommended use of a product called Preparation H (ugh!), which was never intended for eyes!!
Alfalfa News: I was very excited when the American Dermatology Association reported in May 1999 results of a 15 year clinical study proving alfalfa having anti-aging properties both in prevention and rejuvenation – the clinical study proved that intake of alfalfa on a regular basis reverses aging of facial skin!
Now think about it, skin is one organ that covers the entire body (not just the face), so I was thrilled to have medical research backing what I had already seen for over 20 years. For the first 30 days, alfalfa is an important part of the CRT Skin Tightening System since it provides nutrients necessary for skin to create collagen. Fact: you cannot absorb collagen through a crème – the body must produce it. This is one reason why the CRT Skin Tightening System works.
CRT Skin Tightening System & Alfalfa Information & Ordering Link