At Fit Me Healthy Coaching, our goal is to educate, equip, and empower you to reach your full potential and to step outside of the daily environment, known as surviving, into the limitless realm of thriving.
Among my other credentials, I am a certified Functional Health Coach, a certified ISSA Fitness Trainer, a certified Master T-Tapp Trainer (isometric, lymphatic, rehabilitative movement), a certified Pregnancy and Postpartum (think even decades after childbirth) Exercise Correction Specialist and a certified Inter-Disciplinary Pelvic Wellness Specialist. I have studied countless health & fitness topics and methods. Click here for a more extensive Curriculum Vitae.
What does a GOOD FIT look like for you?
Fit Me Healthy Coaching is committed to providing you with resources and support that fit your ideal lifestyle, your personal goals, and your manageable and realistic time-frame. Included, is a path to identifying and facilitating appropriate fitness, which means movement that is safe for you, helps you sustain or improve your health AND to feel good in your own skin, and that brings you greater energy and vitality. Think of maximizing your every movement, not necessarily increasing what you might traditionally categorize as “exercise.” It’s a whole new paradigm that works for real people every day!
Feeling stuck? I get it. No, REALLY, I do! You can read more about my personal & health and fitness journey & credentials HERE and my complete Curriculum Vitae.
Yes, I have learned to personally overcome or successfully maneuver:
- Complex digestive issues
- Hypothyroidism with autoimmune antibodies
- Adrenal and chronic fatigue
- Blood sugar issues
- Overweight/obesity
- Hormonal imbalances
- Heavy metal & other toxicities
- Deep-seated childhood traumas
- Challenging relational issues
- Teenage & Young-Adult Anorexia
- Over-Exercising (not good for health)
- Other health and fitness challenges
- Raising and home-educating 5 children
- Maintaining a 37-year (and counting) marriage
- Reversing symptoms of OCD & Aspergers/High-functional Autism in our child
- Losing 75 lbs, 95 inches, dropping from size 16 to size 4 (and sustaining)
- AND a very unexpected First For Women Magazine swimsuit photo shoot (and article) at age 55 – more on that HERE. I don’t want to spoil the surprising before and after details and photos.
What I consider my most valuable and prominent asset is my loving acceptance and dedication to the success of my clients, along with my very strong research and expansive, ever-increasing knowledge (often in cutting-edge areas), and my applied practical skills for your advancement.
I never stop searching for answers for myself, and I would love the opportunity to support you in this way, too – discovering new possibilities, renewing your hope, and celebrating your amazing personal transformations! You can read about a few of my clients’ testimonials HERE.
Below are some major areas that we will explore together, but the sky is really the limit!
I believe in holistic health in all arenas of life and strongly adhere to a judgement-free, allow-you-to-change-what-you-want, love zone. But I will also present opportunities and accountability to help you meet your desired full potential. Let me help you identify and remove unseen obstacles and allow your true self to shine!
- Choosing Clean & Real
- Being conscious of your choices about what you put in, on, and around your body is essential for optimal health and functioning
- Maximizing Movement
- The body is an extraordinary machine, and what you do and how you do it, or don’t do it, impacts you on all levels, not just physically
- Revitalizing Sleep
- Cleaning up and optimizing sleep habits around natural rhythms brings cleansing and refreshing that vitalizes all you do
- Reframing Stress
- Your perception and reactions to stressors can trigger a variety of chemical reactions throughout your entire body, either positive or negative
- Releasing Stored Traumas
- Unresolved emotional baggage weighs heavily on you and distorts future vision and efforts that can result in you feeling stuck, or even worse
- Enjoying Life & Community
- It is crucial to have fun in ways that balance your needs and to be in meaningful relationships with others and discover & experience purpose
Regardless of the path you choose, but especially as my client, I want to be your biggest cheerleader. Please always remember that you are NOT alone. I am wishing you all the best in your endeavors!
CLICK HERE to book your FREE Holistic Body Shape-Up Strategy Session with me.
If you need some additional visual encouragement to advance towards your goals, here you go!
To download or print this bio page as a PDF, click here.