Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)
Invisible, yes…but the negative effects are not.
Although, related health problems might not be immediate, they are very real.
Here’s what you should know.
Special Report: Navigating the Uncharted Seas of ElectroMagnetic Radiation
(Revealing the Truth Behind Harmful EMFs, How to Protect Ourselves, and Thrive)
EMF Report (Understanding EMF, EMR & Protection)
AUDIO: EMFs/EMRs, Geopathic Zones: What They Are and What You Can Do to Protect Yourself
Audio provided by The Detox Project 2017 (50 min.)
What do EMFs do inside of your body…and your cells?
(15 min video)
If you’re looking for EMF Meters and Computer Pads, you can read this post, also.
60-Day Money Back Guarantee and 5-Year Warranty
Protect Your Cells with TEAVIGO Antioxidant
Teavigo® has been shown to have numerous physiological benefits, including antioxidant and thermogenic (fat burning) activities.
Protect Yourself &
Enhance Your Body’s Performance (Option 1)
ORDER EMF Body Shield now.
60 Day Money Back Guarantee and 5-Year Warranty
Protect Your Body
Enhance Your Bio-Field (Option 2)
Protection From ALL EMFs
& Bio-Field Enhancement
Protection Yourself from:
WIFI, Cell Towers, Geopathic Stress (see audio), Electrical Wiring, Etc
ORDER Personal Pendant now.
Protect Yourself and Others from Your Phone’s Damaging Effects
5G Elite Cell Phone Shield/Harmonizer
The only technology on the market able to pass the 3rd party testing by CIEMS (California Institute Of Electronics and Materials Sciences) proven and certified to shield 99.80% of aberrant EMF by up to 9.375G. 5G Elite is found to harmonize EMF and enhance many organs of the body when within 2 feet. DNA specific rejuvenating and repair frequency of 528 Hz along with the Schumann Resonance at 7.83Hz. Studies include blood cells, DNA, brain, eyes, overall BioField, and more, all with quantum level jumps in overall health.
ORDER Cell Phone Shield now.
Protect Your Privacy with Anti-Tracking Phone Shield (Faraday Sleeve)
Protect Your Brain & Head with Radiation-Free Headphones
Radiation-Free Headphones
with acoustic concentrator, air tube,
metal shielded wire, and sound cavity free of magnetic field
ORDER Radiation-Free Headphones now
Protect Your Eyes and Sleep with Blue Blocking Glasses
The easiest and least inexpensive measure to protect your body’s internal circadian rhythm and support healthy sleep is by wearing blue-light blocking glasses.
For optimal effect, blue-light blocking glasses should be worn whenever you are exposed to artificial light, not just in the evening.
ORDER Blue Blocking Glasses now.
Protect Yourself and Others from
Larger Devices and Appliances
Device & Appliance Shield/Harmonizer
ORDER Large Device Shield now.
Protect Yourself In Your Home and Away
(including hotels, vehicles, and airplanes)
Would you like to live in an environment that enhances your body at a cellular level?
Discover The Benefits of Hedron Home Protection
Home Harmonizer (1000 ft2)
4 ” wide by 1/2 ” deep
Order Home Harmonizer now
Protect Your Living Areas with a Smart Meter Shield
A smart meter on your home pushes an exponentially higher amount of radiation directly into your living space than an area cell phone tower,
and this frequency is inundating your entire home and family with it’s extremely detrimental EMF.
The Hedron Smart Meter Shield safely blocks approximately 98% of the radio frequency/microwave radiation emitted from smart meters.
Protect Your Mind and Body with Pure Crystals
This pure form of rare German supports on a nutritional and emotional level by allowing your cells to vibrate and harmonize as they truly should, which then counteracts the specific frequencies that create dis-ease. Additionally, an added crystal frequency erases harsh or traumatic memories stored in the body, allowing for enjoyment of life, more sound sleep, and a positive future.
Pure German crystal pendant created by combining vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, colors of the spectrum, and oxygen is programmed to the same energies as the sun and moon. These combined elements charge and de-calcify the pineal gland with vibrational frequencies, creating a support system for physical nutrition, by allowing the nutrients to enter the cell and by easing the rejection of waste from the cell.
ORDER Pure Crystal Products now.
Revitalize Your Land & Water, Agriculture, and Animals with the Revitalizer
Through the magnetism of the Earth, greenhouse gasses are drawn into the area being treated by the Revitalizer
and transmuted into carbon, a brown viscous liquid into the soil. Reverse de-oxygenation effects of 5G radiation.
Vitalizes specific energy fields up to 5000 acres!
ORDER Revitalizer Estimate now.
With the ever growing strength of harmful EMF in our homes due to cell phone towers, WiFi, dirty electricity, Smart Meters, Geo-Magnetic Stress, and the like, we are living in a sea of impairment that is unable to be cleared from our cells. In turn, this causes a continuous downgrade in cellular function and overall health. If you’re doing a good job of detoxification, taking the right supplements, eating well, and exercising, you will continue to fight an uphill battle for optimal health unless the EMR in and around your home and work place is HARMONIZED to benefit your body.
The Hedron Home Harmonizer works to completely harmonize the ElectroMagnetic Stress of every form within and around your dwelling place. The most important placements for the HHH are where you or your family members are spending the most time. Our Patent Pending Scalar Technology is proven to shift harmful EMF to beneficial EMF within 1000 square feet of the device-without needing recharging or electricity. Along with a harmonization effect that will last a lifetime, this product is the first of its kind in the world.
Basic Protection (1): 1 HHH either in the main bedroom, or on the inside wall of a smart meter or cell phone tower.
Good Protection (2): 1 HHH on each far wall of the home.
Better Protection (3): 1 HHH on each far wall of the home, and one in the center of the home.
Optimal Protection (4): 1 HHH on each far wall, one near the center of the home, and 1 in the car (for high EMF in your vehicle and to take with you when traveling into hotels and on airplanes).
*The Hedron Home Harmonizer is 4 inches in diameter and 1/2 inch thick.
#1 EMF Protection Hedron Life Source is the world’s leading line of EMF Protection Devices, and we have many great reasons to invest in our products.