CLICK LINK to Listen to me being
Interviewed by Steph Jackson, The Gut Whisperer (Core/Gut Reset/Balancing Program)
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Also get Steph’s FREE Probiotic E-Course
(which I highly recommend!)
In this Interview–
Learn how carrying and moving your body properly can optimize:
- Digestion
- Gut Health & Repair
- Detoxification
- Nerve Transmission & Repair (including Vagus Nerve)
- Nutrient Assimilation
- Toxin & Waste Elimination
- Spinal Alignment / Posture
- Fascia Elongation/ Flexibility
- Muscle Balance / Injury Prevention
- Inch Loss
- Muscle Density
- Bone Density
- Balance
- Cognitive Function & Brain Integration
- Blood Sugar Balance
- Hormone Balance
- Lymphatic Function
- Pain Reduction
- Joint Strengthening & Rehabilitation
- Organ & Glandular Function
- Your Daily Routines / Functional Fitness
- Your Overall Health